virtual reality events south africa

Virtual Reality Events South Africa

We do virtual reality activations and rent out virtual reality equipment for companies that wants to do virtual reality activations. The activation below took place in Cape Town South Africa at the AfricaCom 2017 at the Cape Town Convention Center. If you are interested in doing a VR activation, please have a look at the video…

virtual reality events south africa

We do virtual reality activations and rent out virtual reality equipment for companies that wants to do virtual reality activations. The activation below took place in Cape Town South Africa at the AfricaCom 2017 at the Cape Town Convention Center. If you are interested in doing a VR activation, please have a look at the video below. This will give you an idea of what virtual reality activation entails.

High-End Virtual Reality System Setup

In the video above, you can see how people enjoy the HTC VIVE Virtual Reality headset and the virtual reality experiences we showcased the day. The high-end HTC VIVE virtual reality headset is a crowd magnet.

Typical Reactions Include:

  • Sweating of the hand and feed.
  • Utter disbelieve.
  • No No No, I am not going to jump!
  • This is insane, I cannot believe how real this is!
  • People running back into the elevator believing it is save inside the elevator.

Richies Plank Virtual Reality Experience for Events!

This is one of the experiences we usually show to showcase the awesomeness of Virtual Reality and the powerful effect virtual reality has on the mind. The video doesn’t tell the true story, as you have to be in the experience itself to see how awesome it is. However from the video above and the trailer below you can get some idea of the intense emotions people experience when they do Richie’s Plank Experience in the HTC VIVE.

On request we can add a real plank to the experience, but for safety reasons we do not include the plank by default. You will need to get people to sign an indemnity form if you want to include the plank as part of your experience.

Highlights of Commercially Available Virtual Reality Experiences for Hire

We know how to wow your audiences and clients. The HTC VIVE Virtual Reality experience is something that people will love and enjoy and most importantly TALK about to their friends!

“I did this awesome virtual reality experience at the INSERT YOUR BRAND NAME stand!”

Custom Developed Virtual Reality experience for Brands

We develop custom virtual reality solutions for brands that want to immerse people in their own brand experience. Below is an example of an Educational Game that we have developed which was used to market “Extramarks” around the country. We have supplied the Virtual Reality equipment for the activation as well as developing the science experiment “Copper sulfate and Iron mixture experiment” as part of the activation plan.

Videos from our Virtual Reality Activations

Below is some of the videos we took at various activations!